NorthWest EHealth (NWEH) leads the world in the innovative and trustworthy use of routinely collected healthcare data for clinical trials. NWEH is the essence of what it means to be truly innovative. NWEH are the only organisation in the world to have evaluated the safety and effectiveness of a pre-license medicine in a real-world setting through delivery of the COPD Salford Lung Study (ref. 2016 New England Journal of Medicine publication). NorthWest EHealth (NWEH) was established in 2008 as a collaboration between Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), The University of Manchester (UoM), and Salford Royal Foundation Trust (SRFT). In 2016 NWEH incorporated as a company limited by shares owned by Salford CCG, UoM, and SRFT. NorthWest EHealth employ over 70 staff covering both clinical and technical roles. The company specialises in Electronic Health Record (EHR) enabled Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) using its experience, validated (for use on RCT) technologies, and network of Greater Manchester (GM) and UK-wide academic, clinical and technology organisations. Consenting patients provide their data from primary care, secondary care, community pharmacies and other data sources to deliver validated EHR-enabled RCTs; safely and securely. With utilisation of EHR, patients can consent to us looking retrospectively up to 15 years at the progression of their disease, the duration of their time on a trial and then also by tagging the patients electronic health record we can follow that patient post trial for as long as is consented.