Mahalakshmi Senthil

.Net developer at SnailWorks - Urbana, MD, US

Mahalakshmi Senthil's Contact Details
Clarksburg, Maryland, United States
Mahalakshmi Senthil's Company Details
SnailWorks logo, SnailWorks contact details


Urbana, MD, US • 20 - 49 Employees

SnailWorksTM is an integrated direct marketing platform from ProList Inc. - the same team that made mail tracking easy in 2000. We've leveraged our expertise in mail tracking and web-based interfaces to create a solution that allows direct marketers to increase the effectiveness of direct marketing through coordinated channels. Response paths are streamlined and success is measured every step of the way in a real time web based reporting system.

Coordinated Direct Marketing Direct Mail Triggered Email Landing Pages (web & mobile) PURLS & QR Codes Success Reporting Social Media Landing Pages (web & mobile) PURLS & QR Codes Marketing Software/Advertising Software Management Consulting Services Marketing and Advertising
Details about SnailWorks
Frequently Asked Questions about Mahalakshmi Senthil
Mahalakshmi Senthil currently works for SnailWorks.
Mahalakshmi Senthil's role at SnailWorks is .Net developer.
Mahalakshmi Senthil's email address is *** To view Mahalakshmi Senthil's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mahalakshmi Senthil works in the Advertising/Marketing/PR industry.
Mahalakshmi Senthil's colleagues at SnailWorks are Darla Curtis, Megh Kadel, Dave Herring, Peter Scott, Russ Louch, Mahalakshmi Nathan, Fazal Rahman and others.
Mahalakshmi Senthil's phone number is 855-697-6245
See more information about Mahalakshmi Senthil