• Business, Technical & Financial PROBLEM StatementWe solve the biggest inherent technology impediment that all enterprises have today; to access to most relevant DATA on any precise customer and/or process to achieve "Real-time 360 view or Single Version of Truth", especially without changing your current I T Infrastructure (both hardware and software and resources).Enterprises today want to deliver "fast and precise customer-centric service of the highest quality", using limited resources and time and that requires highly Agile and Secure access to DATA. This important "customer/process DATA" is often hidden in "multiple enterprise systems, (both new and legacy), within complex database tables and this problem is further complicated with systems NOT talking to each other".• Solution to Tackle Impediments of Business, Technology & FinanceThe best of breed Enterprise solution (middleware) serves as a conduit - both vertical and technology agnostic, to shrink time, resources and cost to deliver Right Data at the Right Time and Right Place, leading to often multi-million dollar savings and most importantly offer competitive advantage of "improved quality of service at lowest cost", all the time - 24/7/365.C-suite, Middle Managers and Front-line can benefit with the Real-time nature of the solution - Data, Dashboard & Analytics to make Real-time Decisions.• Solution OutcomesImagine an environment, where the Right Data on any process is made available in Real-time from multiple Enterprise Systems.Secondly this Real-time Data is made available as Real-time Dashboards, to offer Single Version of Truth or 360 view on every specific process.Thirdly Real-time "self-serve" Analytics (without any coding, without any training and without any development teams) can offer sophisticated Intelligence to make Real-time Decisions - 24/7/365.