Mahesh Bhandari

Supervisor at GP FOODS LIMITED - Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Mahesh Bhandari's Contact Details
["(080) 28010500","1800-102-1292","8446815229","918028010500","+91-80-28010509","(08028010500) ","08028010500","080-28010500","+9128010500","9008977225","+91 80 2801 0500","+91-9845627177","080 2801 0500","+91 (80) 280-105-00"]
Mahesh Bhandari's Company Details


Nottingham, England, United Kingdom • 1 - 10 Employees
Food & Beverages

Garuda Polyflex Foods Pvt. Ltd is a joint venture established in the year 2011 between Garuda Food of Indonesia and the Polyflex Group of India. Garuda Food is a $500 Million, 25 year old food and beverage company. It is a part of the Tudung Group which deals in Agribusiness, Food and beverage manufacturing and distribution. It has 11 production plants, 18 beverage contract manufacturers, 6 food contract manufacturers in Indonesia and over 20,000 employees.Garuda Food has a strong portfolio in food and beverage, offering an extensive and innovative range of snacks, confectioneries, biscuits, liquid milk drinks, fruit flavored drinks and juices that are widely distributed across many countries in Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, North America, Australia and Pacific Ocean nations.Garuda Food has received many awards and accolades like Indonesia Customer Service Award (ICSA), Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA), Top Brand Award, Top Brands For Kids Awards, Original Indonesia Brand Award and many more. According to Euro Monitor, the Garuda Food Group maintained the leading position in sweet and savoury snacks with 26% (2009) and 22% (2010) shares of retail sales value. The Group dominated the nuts Market with a 52% retail value share and was a strong leader in the sweet and savoury snack segment.Polyflex is a 40 year old Bangalore Based $50 Million Company which deals in the Luxury and Comfort Business.Garuda Polyflex Food's endeavor is to provide best in class and innovative offering in food and beverage segment, which will give consumers more delightful experiences. In this pursuit the joint venture has launched Gone Mad Chocosticks in the chocolate Segment, Gone Mad Jelly Drink and Gone Mad Chocolate Drink in the beverage segment and Gone Mad Sugar Cheese Cracker in the biscuit segment. GP Foods is in the process of rolling out exiciting new product innovtions. Do Refer to our Products section to know more.

Details about GP FOODS LIMITED
Frequently Asked Questions about Mahesh Bhandari
Mahesh Bhandari currently works for Garuda Polyflex Foods Pvt Ltd.
Mahesh Bhandari's role at Garuda Polyflex Foods Pvt Ltd is Supervisor.
Mahesh Bhandari's email address is *** To view Mahesh Bhandari's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mahesh Bhandari works in the Retail industry.
Mahesh Bhandari's colleagues at GP FOODS LIMITED are Manjunatha Himkar, Anand Nichani, Arun Popuri, Ashok Associate, Naveen Hullatti, Jagan Aileni, Yogesh G and others.
Mahesh Bhandari's phone number is ["(080) 28010500","1800-102-1292","8446815229","918028010500","+91-80-28010509","(08028010500) ","08028010500","080-28010500","+9128010500","9008977225","+91 80 2801 0500","+91-9845627177","080 2801 0500","+91 (80) 280-105-00"]
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