We are a s/w research product development company from India." Survey Data ++" is our innovative survey automation product designed specifically for researchers to design questionnaires , deploy them on devices and monitor data collected in real time. It provides a complete paperless solution in field data collections. This product is applicable for all types of interviewing : CAPI , WAPI, CASI, CAWI, CATI, TAPI, TASI, SAPI . Highlights:1. No programming skills required.2. Can handle highly complex questionnaires with skips, loops, validations, pre populated data, data validations.3. Multilanguage support4. GPS coordinate capture5. Offline and online data sync methods6. Real time data monitoring through web portal7. Dashboard view8. Compatible data export formats 9. Product available as a SAS (Software as a service) model. ( Pay per sample!)10 . Assistance in survey configuration, training enumerators, pilot survey support, Device rental facility. We have a vast experience in survey questionnaire automation for following esteemed organizations since 2009:1. IFPRI (Washington DC, New Delhi, Ghana).2. HarvestPlus (Washington DC).3. UNCTAD4. IWMI (Sri Lanka)5. Gokhale Institute ( Pune )6. University of Greenwich (UK)