Clinical Lead - Adolescents and Families at The Wave Clinic. Luxury Residential Programs for Teenagers and Young Adults - Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Wave Clinic. Luxury Residential Programs for Teenagers and Young Adults | Master
Trauma Focused Adolescent & Family Therapist (in advanced training).
Residential programs dedicated to teenagers and young adults. Specialist Eating Disorder Programs. Adolescent behavioural health facility. Set in a spectacular location in Kuala Lumpur, our young people and families are able to enjoy a personal, safe space that is ideal for reflection and growth, but also have the opportunity to engage in community living in a high care therapeutic environment. Our individualized medium to long term programs, commencing with 12 week treatment programmes are clinically designed to give each client the opportunity to achieve in every area of their lives.Education both vocational, academic and alternative routes into tertiary education.Resident Psychiatric team. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. Resident Nursing Team. Transitions House, providing care for girls with sustained recovery from Eating Disorders.