HLL TRADE ح ل ل الحلال للتجارة is a Brazilian company founded on enduring values and principles, working and exporting exclusively HALAL products from Brazil and other countries. We believe that safeguarding the health and welfare is important, that's is why we work with products which contain only permissible ingredients - 100% HALAL (حلال). Our company exports a wide range of HALAL products such as: chicken, meat, egg, sugar, coffee, cosmetics and others - at an affordable price. HLL TRADE will arrange shipments directly from Brazil or other countries according to the customer requirements, delivery conditions and document requirements. We believe that with the right partner, we can build long term relations and a mutually beneficiary cooperation. HLL TRADE also operates according to Islamic Sharia principles using Islamic finance as Murabahah (المرابحة) and Tawarruq. marcelo@hlltrade.com.br