Graduate Student Research Assistant at Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre (MBMC) - Montréal, QC, CA
Kinésiologue - Coordonnatrice du laboratoire d'évaluation fonctionnelle et de psychophysiologie
The MBMC conducts research in the areas of behavioural medicine and psychophysiology, with an emphasis on behavioural trials and epidemiology, to contribute new knowledge about the impact of psychological and behavioural factors in the development and progression of chronic disease. As such, the type of clinical research conducted at the MBMC generally falls into three broad categories:1. Behavioural epidemiological cohort studiesThese studies examine the impact of psychological (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression), social (e.g., sex, gender, socioeconomic status), and behavioural (e.g., smoking, diet, physical activity) factors on the development and progression of chronic disease;2. Laboratory experimental studiesThese studies examine the psychophysiological mechanisms linking psychological and behavioural factors to disease;3. Intervention studiesThese studies test the efficacy and effectiveness of behavioural medicine interventions on the primary and secondary prevention of chronic disease.