UI/UX Designer at ztudium- maker of industry 4IR tech AI Blockchain blocksdna & data driven research intelligenthq - London, England, United Kingdom
Ztudium is a technology big data Business Intelligence Digital network for Finance, Markets and Business with a 360 degrees focus on Innovation and Social Media DNA. It publishes the internet and mobile platforms intelligenthq.com (created in January 2013), hedgethink.com (created in March 2014) and tradersdna.com. The company runs as well a boutique consultancy specialised in 360 degree digital and social media business strategies to Companies and start-ups in Business Intelligence, Finance Innovation, Capital Markets, Marketing, Cloud, Big Data and Investment Industry. We have been consulting and collaborating with companies such as Samsung Benelux, MasterCard, Philips, UK Association Of Footbal Agents, Saxo Bank and others.Intelligenth.com is a digital network that inspires and supports social change, innovation, trust and growth. The platform offers:Top 100 business schools directory http://directory.intelligenthq.com/ with a social media heat map look at the home page;Intelligenthq.com social media shares tool: http://www.intelligenthq.com/social-media-shares-tool/HedgeThink.com is a new digital venture marketplace that bridges a growing exclusive database and network of global fund managers, investors, lawyers, auditors, fund allocators and technology developers for the alternative investment industry. Some videos you can see from Dinis Guarda, CEO and founder:How to Manage and Create your Business and Get Traffic in a Web 2.0 Social Network worldhttp://www.dinisguarda.com/speaking/The Future of Funds and The Alternative Investment Industry Video http://www.hedgethink.com/tough-leadership/future-funds-alternative-investments-industry-video/ #hedgefund via @hedgethinkOur PR launch for Intelligenthq.com in Yahoo Finance:IntelligentHQ.com, A New Business Intelligence and Innovation Network, Launches in London and Silicon Valleyhttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/intelligenthq-com-business-intelligence-innovation-070000039.html