Acting Project Manager, Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA) at INASP - Oxford, Oxon, UK
INASP is an international development organization working with a global network of partners to improve access, production and uptake of research information and knowledge, so that countries are equipped to solve their development challenges.We have been working to support such research and knowledge systems and many elements of the research communications cycle for 25 years. In particular, we work to strengthen the availability, access and uptake of international research information by researchers in developing countries and the production, quality, dissemination and access of research outputs from researchers in those same countries. By building capacity at individual, institutional, national and international levels, we have seen significant improvement in the research and knowledge sector in many of the countries with which we work.INASP was established by the International Council for Science (ICSU) in 1992, and was registered as a UK charity in 2004.Based in Oxford and governed by an international Board of Trustees, INASP is run with a small number of full-time staff working with, and through, partners and networks in over one hundred countries. INASP's work is funded by its partner countries, governmental and non-governmental development agencies, and philanthropic foundations.