Veterinary Technician at Amarillo Veterinary Clinic, PLLC - Amarillo, Texas, United States
Amarillo Veterinary Clinic is a full-service animal clinic and welcomes both emergency treatment cases during business hours as well as pet patients in need of routine medical, surgical, and dental care. Amarillo Veterinary Clinic was founded in 1938 by Luther M. Griffin, D.V.M. Later, Dr. Griffin added Loyal L. Rush, D.V.M.(Lt. Col. US Army WW II & Korean War) in the 1940s and Eugene Ansel Willis, D.V.M. and Dee Ray Jenkins, D.V.M. in the 1950s before he retired. The clinic served small and large animals throughout most of its existence. In 1961, J. Fred Love DVM came to Amarillo Veterinary Clinic as a newly-graduated veterinarian. Dr. Willis left in 1962 and Dr. Rush retired in the late 1960s. Drs. Love and Jenkins became the primary veterinarians and partners throughout 1970s. In the 80's Dr. J. Fred Love became the sole owner of Amarillo Veterinary Clinic. Now Dr. Donna L. Regehr carries on her fathers traditions of providing affordable care and compassion for all animals