Makala Smith

Revenue Assurance Analyst at Flexential Intermediate Corporation - Charlotte, NC, US

Makala Smith's Contact Details
Flexential Intermediate Corporation
Makala Smith's Company Details

Flexential Intermediate Corporation

Charlotte, NC, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Flexential empowers the IT journey of the nation's most complex businesses by offering tailored hybrid IT solutions delivered via the FlexAnywhere™ platform of integrated colocation, cloud, connectivity, data protection, managed and professional services, with three million square feet of data center space in 19 highly connected markets. Our FlexAnywhere™ Solutions allow customers to solve their most complex hybrid IT infrastructure requirements, such as reliability and performance, agility and scalability, and interconnection, seamlessly connecting applications and users.

Hybrid IT Colocation Cloud Connectivity Managed Solutions B2B saas SaaS Information Technology and Services Enterprise Software Network Solutions Information Technology
Details about Flexential Intermediate Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Makala Smith
Makala Smith currently works for Flexential.
Makala Smith's role at Flexential is Revenue Assurance Analyst.
Makala Smith's email address is *** To view Makala Smith's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Makala Smith works in the Information Technology and Services industry.
Makala Smith's colleagues at Flexential Intermediate Corporation are Chasha Gibbs-Wimbush, William Rosales, Wade Rothrock, Michael Healey, Gabriel David, Matt Cameron, Sean Benware and others.
Makala Smith's phone number is 833-264-3539
See more information about Makala Smith