MELPOMENE MUSIC GROUP: LEADING YOU TO SOUND THEATRE Melpomene Music Group (MMG), Atlanta based BMI music publisher, is the parent company of Melpomene Music Publications and Melpomene Records, and is focused on developing, publishing and promoting original concert works and works of music drama. Melpomene Music Publications is the print publisher of musical scores and other print publications related to Melpomene projects. Melpomene Records is MMG's sound studio division, producing music audio and other recordings related to Melpomene projects. Through the development process, each of Melpomene's acquisitions (Projects), generates print projects first, and may only graduate projects for audio production later. Print projects include any printed work, such as lyrics/libretti, adaptation manifests, research, sheet music, cover art, marketing materials, etc. Audio projects may include music and/or speech and other audio, for all usefull purposes beyond a recorded performance of Melpomene works, such as audition materials, role and chorus training, and audio marketing productions.