RBGroup, genel müteahhitlik hizmetleri, yapısal çelik ve ön üretimli yapılar proje, imalat ve montaj işleri, enerji, savunma sanayi, turizm, mobilya, teknik danışmanlık sektörlerinde çalışmaktadır. www.rbgroup.com.tr, www.alpinprefabric.com.tr, www.rb3s.com.tr, www.turkishmade.com.tr, www.rbyachting.com.tr, www.rbdefence.com.tr, www.rbenerji.com.tr Daha detaylı bilgiyi www.rbgroup.com.tr adresinden alabilirsiniz. RBGroup has been establish by 13 companies of different sectors, who are designers,contractors,manufacturers,consultants and suppliers. The main idea of bringing these companies together was the goal of establishing a big team for serving the demand in the trade ,construction,energy,oil and industry sectors , in the neighboring countries. The RBGroup was established as afullfilled engineering team with an exclusive technical and practical capability, for designing and building very sophisticated structures, heavy duty plants, factories, buildings, infrastructure projects, both in Turnkey and partial services basis , as well as giving the rehabilitation services for existing ones. The capabilities of RBGroup covers a very wide range of services. A client can start with RBGroup with a piece of land , explain his target and demand clear enough and after , leave everything to RBGroup. Once you shake hands with RBGroup , you never regret.