Church and State of the AR+Technology FellowshipSOUNDMiND Ministry of technology, communication and innovation strategies; information architecture and designThe SOUNDMiND Ministry of Technology fellowship is a non-profit service commitment within a wide-ranging mandate that includes: developing and communicating a 'perfect information' teleological infrastructure for more vibrant, advanced, and secure support systems for a diversified economy and benefit to all people; introducing iCT plans, policies, programs, projects and initiatives that foster a competitive environment conducive to investments; developing the next generation of infrastructure, securing and enhancing the efficiency of these infrastructures; and driving innovation as an agent of change for human, social, economic and environmental progress.SOUNDMiND Ministry of Technology PerformanceGRP is developing e-government systems and programs, creating equilibrium within the 'digital divide' in American culture as a contributing factor of economic equality for improving quality of life, boosting capacity and digital literacy fostering a technology-friendly environment that introduces innovative approaches to how we communicate, live and work.A-technocratic Public Policy Inter-Web Frequency Consultancy FirmiTechnology, Communication and Innovation Strategies including...Private and Public Infrastructure and Administration, Ethics and Information Technology; Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in the Computing Disciplines; Information Technology Law Organizations and Resources; The Legal Context for Computing.The medicine in the wrong hands is a drug, the drug in the right hands is the medicine. A weapon in the right hands is a tool, and the tool in the wrong hands is a weapon.God did not create us with the spirit of fear, but of love, power and SOUNDMiND.