Agemni started as a group of individuals who were Satellite TV dealers in the early 2000s. We can personally relate to the late nights away from loved ones to finish reconciling commissions, or to manually process payroll. We dreamed of ways to simplify business management so that we and others could have a work-life balance.From this dream, a company was born. In 2001, Agemni was created as a simple tracking software to help manage and track customer lists, sales, tech schedules, payroll, inventory, and reconciliation of commissions owed from providers. In 2012, Agemni and a competing company named SatTracks merged to create an even more robust platform and dedicated team.Over the years, we've paid attention to emerging business verticals. Though we started in the Satellite TV space, we now have a highly integrated platform built for Security dealers, a Solar platform with a custom workflow, and we look forward to supporting more!Through the years, the dream our company was born from has never changed. Giving you more time to invest in your business, while also providing time with your loved ones is why we do what we do. At Agemni, our dream is that you achieve yours. Our business is to power yours.Visit our website to schedule a demo today.