Mamdouh Alobitiri

Digital Marketing Specialist at MTN Yemen - , , Yemen

Mamdouh Alobitiri's Contact Details
Sana'a,Capital Municipality,Yemen
MTN Yemen
Mamdouh Alobitiri's Company Details
MTN Yemen logo, MTN Yemen contact details

MTN Yemen

, , Yemen • 501 - 1000 Employees

Launched in 1994, MTN Group is a leading emerging markets mobile operator which is at the forefront of the technological changes sweeping the world. We invest significantly in advanced communications networks, connecting more than 203,8 million people in 22 countries across Africa and the Middle East. In the past five years alone, our capital expenditure has exceeded R100 billion in the countries where we operate.

Mobile Network Technological Advancement Telecommunications Network Mobile Connectivity Emerging Markets
Details about MTN Yemen
Frequently Asked Questions about Mamdouh Alobitiri
Mamdouh Alobitiri currently works for MTN Yemen.
Mamdouh Alobitiri's role at MTN Yemen is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Mamdouh Alobitiri's email address is *** To view Mamdouh Alobitiri's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mamdouh Alobitiri works in the Telecommunications industry.
Mamdouh Alobitiri's colleagues at MTN Yemen are Muaydh Al-Othmani, Shadi Almoallemi, Abdulrahman Ireg, Sabri Al-Zubairi, Adnan Al-Qubati, Adnan Mashreqi, Rashad Al-Yaari and others.
Mamdouh Alobitiri's phone number is ["967733121637","9671320320","96714071761","662234667788","967777013002","9671331350","9672242222","46856487819"]
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