MMA is a group of MECHATROLINK product developers and users who promote the use of MECHATROLINK, a motion field network.High-speed communications and data synchronization are provided to increase system speed and provide advanced functionality. Moreover, MECHATROLINK uses simple cable connections to reduce wiring, downsize the system, and enable easy system expansion. Because MECHATROLINK is an open network, there are many different MECHATROLINK-compatible devices available on the market that can be flexibly combined to suit your application. Furthermore, you can freely develop your own master and slave devices for MECHATROLINK.Members of MMA include:KEYENCE CORPORATIONM-System Co.,Ltd.NECCorporationORIENTAL MOTOR CO.,LTDSchneider Electric Japan Holdings Ltd.Texas InstrumentsYASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATIONYASKAWA INFORMATION SYSTEMS CorporationYOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION