The purpose of the FSACOFP Foundation will be to promote and advance the science and skills of osteopathic family medical practice and to provide the highest standards in family practice. This will be accomplished through conducting educational programs and research in osteopathic medicine and related disciplines to support and enhance patient care. Communications of educational and research information will be provided to members and non-members by newsletters, pamphlets and videos.EDUCATION: 75%An annual conference will be held each year during one of the summer months (June-July) at various locations within Florida. The convention provides instruction and training of family physicians in osteopathic medicine and surgery. Other regional meetings and events throughout Florida will be held to provide osteopathic family physicians and other interested groups with continuing education.RESEARCH AND OUTREACH: 15%Research will be carried out in the public interest and made available to the public. This may include research in osteopathic medicine and surgery. Topics for research will be selected by the Foundation based on their assessment of the current need for information. A website will be developed to provide access by all the general public and members to the results of the research. Doctors may receive a stipend to conduct this research.SCHOLARSHIPS: 5%A scholarship program for internships, residencies and fellowships for the study of osteopathic medicine will be established. Recipients will be selected based on criteria established by the Foundation Board. The amount of scholarships awarded each year will be determined by the Foundation Board based on the availability of funds;FUNDRAISING 5%Information will be sent through emails to individuals from membership lists obtained from various medical groups and to corporate sponsors interested in the educational events provided by the Foundation.