Welcome To LITMUS TEST MEDIA1) WHAT DOES LITMUS TEST MEAN?ANS:It's the hindi connotation of doodh ka dhoodh paani ka paani which means It is very simple. In essence it means that whatever wrong will be proved to be wrong and whatever is right will be proved right in the end.This is the aim of our media page to get people to know the right and wrong things that are happening in the daily world with "proofs".2)Why should we refer LITMUS TEST?Ans:Litmus test will give you a weekly analysis of a particular category of news that too with the help of trustworthy news reports and sources and most importantly with proofs.3)What if we have some queries regarding your news?Ans: You can simply contact us on our insta page or you can mail us on our email idea litmustest@gmail.com.We assure you that our team will get back to you as soon as we can and clarify all your issues.4)Want us to cover your news?Ans:Mail us that news on our email idea litmustest@gmail.com and we will go through that news and if it's of global importance will cover it too.Lastly we hope that you support us on this project as for us LITMUS TEST is not some random media page which favours a politician or poltical party BUT ITS AIM IS TO:TEST THE TRUTHHENCE THE TAGLINE OF LITMUS TEST NOTHING BUT THE TESTED TRUTHTHANK YOU