è´¸æä¸å¡å at TScale Electronics Mfg. (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. - Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, China
T-Scale company was founded in Taiwan in 1967 as Taiwan Scale Mfg Co., Ltd in order to produce Mechanical Weighing Instrument. Today, this privately owned company is recognized worldwide as a leading Electronic Weighing Scale Manufacturer. The core business of T-Scale is the development, manufacture, worldwide sales/marketing electronic weighing instruments.T-Scale manufacturing unit in Kunshan, China, ISO 9001& ISO 13485 certified company, OEM/ODM partner of the world's prominent brand names. More than 30 types of products have received OIML certifications, including industrial, commercial and laboratorial equipment, exporting to over 100 countries.With the expertization of T-Scale over manufacturing of electronic scales and automatic weighing systems since 1998, the rapport build with the principles together with the trust of an increasing customer base has given the strength to continuously add new products and catering to various industry segments with the our dedicated service to our customers.We continue our dedication to being the best of Your Precision Partner...