Zenith Industrial Chemicals is a young and dynamic, privately held company founded in 2006, that specialized in the development, production, marketing and servicing of specialty chemical products for the pulp and paper, leather tanning water treatment and selected other industries. The company is a leader in the field of microbiological control for industrial applications.In the Swiss tradition, Zenith continues to provide high quality products and services and strives to offer these values at cost-effective prices to the benefit of its customers. From trouble-free pulp and paper machine runnability, to water process improvement, to top-value leather manufacture, leading companies around the world depend on Zenith to support their operations.Zenith products are produced using an integrated management system for Quality, Environment, Health and Safety. The ISO 9001 Quality Management System and the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standards provide the framework for our system for all production, as well as the international guidelines of Responsible Care. Our products are produced in safe equipment and processes. The raw materials are selected based on their ability to meet corporate quality, environmental, safety and cost parameters. Finished products are designed to have lowest possible toxicity to humans and minimum adverse effects on the environment.Our star product is our new generation non TCMTB fungicide Zenith 399, that is widely used globally.If you have any questions regarding our company, or any interests in our products, please do not hesitate to drop us an email at info@zenithindustrialchem.com, or visit our company website.