Pyrocal Pty Ltd is an innovative Australian engineering company specialising in the design, build and installation of Continuous Carbonisation Technology (CCT) systems that transform biomass and biosolids into biochar and renewable energy. Established in 2014, Pyrocal is based in Toowoomba, Queensland Australia, where it operates a full scale commercial system and conducts R&D. Pyrocal's systems have been deployed around the world in a variety of applications. Most recently, Pyrocal partnered with Logan City Council and Downer to develop Australia’s first biosolids gasification facility, reducing carbon emissions by 6,000 tonnes per annum and saving $1m. Globally, Pyrocal has one of the most proven advanced systems that is backed by a highly qualified team and can be adapted to meet customers’ specific requirements and operating conditions. The system is ideally placed in a circular economy model, where it is located in close proximity to the biomass waste and the biochar’s end use. This also maximises the opportunity to generate carbon credits. In addition to selling its systems, Pyrocal also sells its high quality biochar under the Terix brand, and is an approved supplier of carbon removal credits (CORCs) with The Pyrocal team is highly motivated to be at the forefront of accelerating carbon dioxide removal in pursuit of net negative emissions.