Manohar Kumar

accountant at Mayar Group - Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Manohar Kumar's Contact Details
Mayar Group
Manohar Kumar's Company Details

Mayar Group

Hyderabad, Telangana, India • 201 - 500 Employees

Mayar Group established in 1948 as Mayar India Limited with the diverse interests inHospitality, Institutional & Infrastructural Development and Health Sectors is emergingas a strong, united and dedicated organization to deliver products and services in theseareas. Besides contributing towards the economic growth of India, the Group has alsoestablished a strong connection with social cause for community and human welfare. Thebasic strength of the Group lies in development of world class infrastructure. The MayarGroup is a 4000 crore multi national and multi product conglomerate, with interests intimber, publication paper, commodity trading along with hospitality and infrastructurehaving setups in Myanmar, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China and Singapore. With a vision toevolve as global benchmark in innovation concepts and realizing the sudden upswing inthe field of modern biology and biotechnology in recent years, the Group has come upwith this landmark initiative to diversify into the field of Biotechnology, the new frontierof science. It is well established that biotech developments right from research bench totechnological translation in field and industry are mainly dependant on advanceinfrastructure and skilled human resource. With basic strength of the Mayar Group thatlies in the development of world class infrastructure facilities, entering into Biotech arenathrough the development of a fully integrated Biotechnology SEZ, falls well within thecapabilities to deliver in this sector.

Details about Mayar Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Manohar Kumar
Manohar Kumar currently works for Mayar Group.
Manohar Kumar's role at Mayar Group is accountant.
Manohar Kumar's email address is ***@mayarbiotechsez.cokm. To view Manohar Kumar's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Manohar Kumar works in the Research industry.
Manohar Kumar's colleagues at Mayar Group are Princi Vohra, Deepika Sharma, Vishak Nair, Subin Jacob, Dhanasingh Prasath, Arjun Choudhary, Sanjay Srivastava and others.
Manohar Kumar's phone number is
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