Divisional Operations Manager at SMILE Microfinance Limited - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Launched in 2004, S.M.I.L.E. Microfinance Ltd is a well-established Microfinance Company in India; having provided loans over INR 2,412 Crores (USD 402 Million) and maintained loans outstanding of INR 258 Crores (USD 43 Million) to 328,000 women members in poor regions of Tamil Nadu State and Puducherry. Borrowers take loans for a range of income-generating activities, including livestock, agriculture, trade (such as vegetable vending), and production (basket weaving, pottery etc). SMILE currently has 158 microfinance branches in 24 districts across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry in India. SMILE aims to reach members 1 million by 2015. In the last year (2013-2014) alone, SMILE has disbursed INR 519 Crores (USD 86.5 Million) and registered an on-time repayment rate of 99.9%.Mission:To provide innovative and sustainable Financial Services, with HELP in order to empower WOMEN to eradicate poverty, thus enabling a better quality of life for them and for their familiesVision:To HELP 2 Million families out of Poverty .Values:HonestyExcellenceLove & AffectionPatriotism