Digital Asset Managements are not so much a ‘solution' as a ‘calling', or at least that is the way our teams see it. We are Media Equation (‘me' for short) and all we do (and have done for the last decade) is deliver what many people believe is ‘the best Digital Asset Management solution in the world'.What makes us so confident?We don't make this statement lightly. We agree with most of our clients. We have worked tirelessly for more than a decade to deliver the worlds most advanced and ‘people friendly' Digital Asset Management solutions…and we're not finished yet. We have exciting things planned for the next couple of years, that will revolutionize Digital Asset Management and our clients will be the first in line to take advantage of these exciting new innovations…but that's tomorrow. Today we're focused on helping our clients roll out their own intuitive and robust Digital Asset Management solutions. Today, around the globe more than 120 major cultural institutes, corporations and government organizations (and countless smaller organizations) are liberating their digital assets, thanks to Lookatme™.