TIPO kotlogradnja is a company from Serbia whose production program includes individual production of industrial boilers on all types of fuels.All products are designed to guarantee compliance with individual client requirements, they are easy of use and maintain, and allow a high level of automated operation.The shortest possible delivery times, top-class quality according to SRPS and ISO standards, and modern and certified equipment all allow us to provide guarantees for all the equipment we deliver and for all the projects we perform.Depending on the available fuel or mixture of different fuel types, we will choose the right equipment to ensure smooth long-term plant operation in agreement with the client.We attach special attention to the development of technology and production of biomass boilers.The goal of the company is to meet all individual requirements and needs of its clients in compliance with valid regulations and standards, as well as to provide process industry solutions on the domestic and foreign market.Since the day of its foundation, the company defined its program and business strategy embodied in the slogan:YOUR ENERGY SECURITY!TIPO kotlogradnja je kompanija iz Srbije čiji proizvodni program podrazumeva pojedinačnu proizvodnju industrijskih kotlova na sve vrste goriva.Svi proizvodi su dizajnirani tako da ispunjavaju individualne zahteve kupca, jednostavni su za rukovanje i održavanje i omogućavaju visoki stepen automatizovanog rada.Najkraći rokovi isporuke, najviši kvalitet prema SRPS i ISO standardima, uz modernu i atestiranu opremu, omogućuje davanje garancije na svu opremu koju isporučujemo i poslove koje izvodimo. U zavisnosti od dostupnog goriva ili mešavine različitih vrsta goriva u dogovoru sa klijentom odabraćemo odgovarajuću opremu kako bi omogućili neometan i dugotrajan rad postrojenja. Posebnu pažnju smo posvetilii razvijanju tehnologije i proizvodnje kotlova na biomasu.Cilj kompanije je da se pridržavajući aktuelnih pr