Directrice des communications / Communications Manager at Green Marine - N/A, N/A, CA
Green Marine is an environmental certification program for the North American marine industry.It is a voluntary, transparent and inclusive initiative that addresses key environmental issues through its 12 performance indicators. Participants are shipowners, ports, terminals, Seaway corporations and shipyards.To receive their certification, participants must benchmark their annual environmental performance through the program's self-evaluation guides, have their results verified by an accredited external verifier and agree to publication of their individual results.The cornerstone of the Green Marine initiative is its far-reaching environmental program, which makes it possible for any marine company operating in Canada or the U.S. to reduce its environmental footprint by undertaking concrete and measurable actions. Green Marine's environmental program continues, year after year, to demonstrate its effectiveness and its ability to inspire participants to exceed regulatory requirements.A pivotal element of Green Marine's success from the outset has been the active support from environmental stakeholders and governments. Several of them participate in shaping and reviewing the environmental program.Visit our website: us on Twitter: more about our annual conference GreenTech: us:info@green-marine.org418-649-6004