Today, taking any loan by an individual and/or a corporate is challenged because of increased number of Lending Institutions {Banks & NBFC's}. Borrower receives different offers from different Banks with complexed policies creates chaos.And Borrower gets confused how to choose the right Lender/Bank which can give him/her best deal, hassle free service & peace of mind post transaction.Taking SERVICE & ADVISE from a professional consultant can give an apt solution to this problem.A professional consultant always gives right and unbiased opinion/suggestion as & when required by the borrower. A professional consultant is always a dependable support system.TEAM LIP which is a distribution arm of NCPL{} consists of group of professional bankers who are associated with Lending Institutions & borrowers for last 18 years. With our scientific & simple approach, we help borrowers to select right financial institution to avail & enjoy best loan proposal.Mission:To Enrich Cash Flow of each & every client. To serve with dignity & Passion. To earn respect as the most valuable and trustworthy TEAM in Mortgage business at India Level.