Minorplanet Systems plc is the leading supplier of vehicle management information (VMI™) systems which enable organisations to improve productivity, manage fuel usage and emissions, and reduce fleet running costs. Since its foundation in 1996, Minorplanet has been at the forefront of developing telematics and vehicle tracking systems. We have combined vehicle tracking by Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) and the latest mobile communications with other technologies to create telematics systems that generate invaluable fleet management information that goes beyond simply locating vehicles on a map. The Minorplanet VMIgreenlight web-hosted system can significantly reduce running costs and add to profits. For example, fuel consumption alone can be reduced by +25%. Use of the VMIgreenlight tracking system can also help to improve driver behaviour and vehicle utilisation efficiency. This results in more deliveries/vehicle jobs per day, happier customers, control of personal use of vehicles (if required), closer management of servicing and maintenance costs, and validation of overtime claims. The system provides peace of mind that you know where your drivers are at all times, when they are in difficulty and when their driving behaviour becomes a risk. The system provides real-time graphical overviews and configurable alerts to take the guess work out of Duty of Care for a mobile workforce. The data from the system can be integrated into your other backoffice systems and data warehouse, using Minorplanet's published API providing valuable busniess wide metrics to assist strategy setting and operational decision making.