Resolution Systems, Inc. is a sales assessment, sales training, sales management training, sales coaching and sales hiring firm dedicated to providing real sales development solutions for leadership. Resolution Systems, Inc. takes a direct approach to honing in on the critical sales issues that face businesses today utilizing sales assessment tests, sales evaluations and sales training programs. Our customer-focused sales training process is relevant to the challenges your team faces every day– from qualifying a prospect to closing a sale. Case studies, role-playing, sales assessments, sales evaluations, online sales training, follow-up coaching and problem-solving techniques are used to ground each training course in the specific demands of the job. Learn more about our sales training. We take a holistic, client-focused approach to our work and establish a dedicated team of experts to support you. They teach how to hire premium salespeople, develop the necessary sales skills, refine your processes and solve your most pressing sales management challenges. Learn more about our sales leadership training program.