Rehabilitation Specialist and Physical Trainer at IN MOTION The Method-
Creators of LEADER SHIFTS in motion stands for ... In today’s VUCA world, employee engagement is under severe pressure, high levels of stress & burn-outs are part of our daily work. Rapid change, one wave interrupting another, is our new reality, stretch our collective and individual transformation capacity. Managers today feel squeezed between the often harsh organizational reality of continuous change and the emotional fatigue and distress of their teams. We stronly believe this challenging reality calls for 5 fundamental shifts in Leadership style: > From a management by objectives to a management driven by MEANING > From a management by command & control to a management by AUTONOMY > From a manager hero to STRONG & HUMBLE LEADERSHIP > From silo-based organisations to COLLABORATION > From change readiness to AGILITY These 5 shifts need to be developed simoultaneously as they are strongly interdependent. We support: > Individuals - Personal coaching journeys to develop required competencies and overcome specific barriers - Leadership development programs - Programs to develop certain soft skills like coaching, managing through change,… > Teams - Team coaching journeys to develop required competencies and overcome specific barriers - Professional facilitation to explore the diversity in a team and to find better ways to function as a team - Alignment seminars, combining vision and strategy development with team effectiveness > Organizations - Programs related to corporate culture and values, with a main focus on the behavioral component In motion consists of > a dedicated team of executive coaches/facilitator with a track record of 15 to 25 years of experience combining operational management with consulting and coaching able to work in 3 languages. This extensive experience in business, consulting and coaching creates a unique blend of business acumen, emotional intelligence and a holistic approach