Institutsleiter, Dozent für Supply Chain Management, Prof. at ZHAW ICLS Institute of Computational Life Sciences - Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
The Institute of Applied Simulation (IAS) is part of ZHAW LSFM, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, a competence center for nutrition, health, society and the environment. Problems in the topics environment, food, health and society are increasingly complex and require new methods to investigate them and make decisions. We analyze challenging problems and develop workable solutions using modeling and simulation. Our work is always of practical benefit to our business partners and has direct translation into practical applications. Our primary area of work is the analysis of complex systems by modeling them. The models are of a statistical / mathematical nature or are brought to life in computer simulations. These solutions are communicated and visualized using modern technology. An important component of a solution is always the user-friendly communication to the project partners and clients. Our work focuses on: • Modeling of complex systems • Simulation • Optimization • Forecasts, taking into account external factors • Data clustering • Data mining • Bio-inspired algorithms and bio-inspired computing • Data visualization • Smart social devices Website: Our Spirit is customer focused. We deliver «smart sustainable solutions».