Timetunnel (TT) is one of WORLD youngest & fastest growing, System Integrator. Since its birth in 2005, TT had received accolades from all walk of business for innovation, quality, costing and above all adding long term value to client and society. In 2006, TT was awarded as "The Most promising Company" by DST, RSA, JSE and Eskom. In 2007, 2008 & 2009, TT received the "The Most Promising Company" award from Department of Science & Technology, RSA. On September 1, 2006 Financial Mail came out with a cover story on TT. In the year 2006 TT started domain specific practices in Telecom, Banking, Government, Transport, Healthcare and Education providing cutting edge technology solutions independent of any OEM vendors.The philosophy behind birth of TT was to create a company which works for clients and not OEM partners. Our approach is very simple; we investigate the client's pain areas and try to put a solution which is not a rocket science. Since we are not partnered with any OEM vendors, we have the freedom to think out of box and put solutions which are easy to maintained and add long term value to our valuable clients based on open source and in virtual green environment.Our Goal is to provide leadership in technology usage and make our client core business grow.We have build our own Cloud Computing environment. This enable many our small, private and government clients to cut IT management cost by almost 50% save energy cost by 90% and is a truly a green technology.We also have the best CoE (Filenet, VMware, EMC...)One of our new offering is "Timetunnel Green View", an E2E virtualization solution based on Timetunnel's T-FOSS Architecture running on T-CloudWe are rebuilding our web site. Kindly check back in 4 weeks. In the mean time if you have any query pls drop an email to sales@timetunnel.co.za or info@timetunnel.co.za or visit www.timetunnel.co.za