ERGO Soluciones is founded by a group of proffessionals with the purpose of providing solutions and tailor made services , with the highest quality posible.\\ERGO ́ s purpose is to provide to our high standards customers, a unique service with the commitment and high quality standards they need .\\We are aware of the challenging business world we live today with more and more competitors, thus we have decided to have as our key foundations: customer focus , training and continuous improvement in our\personnel and procedures\\Main Services we provide:\\ Design and management of automation and capital investment turnkey projects .\ Supply , installation and start - up of industrial equipment .\ Programming and troubleshooting of industrial equipment of any kind .\ Motion control projects (Servos), SCADA systems , CNC , Vision systems , among others . \ Development , design and integration of Robotic Solutions ( ABB , FANUC, Kawasaki). \ Optimization and development of Manufacturing processes , consulting for ISO 9001 certifications . \ Energy efficency projects . \ Supply of electrical and electronic parts of the main brands to the best prices such as: Siemens, Condumex , Schneider Electric, Square D, Viakon , Prolec