Marcelo Gorini

Controller Administrativo Financeiro at KeyCash - São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Marcelo Gorini's Contact Details
São Paulo,State of São Paulo,Brazil
Marcelo Gorini's Company Details
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São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil • 80 Employees
Real Estate

Somos uma plataforma de crédito e serviços para o mercado imobiliário, que acompanha, do começo ao fim, a jornada de fechar o negócio certo.--We are a credit and services platform for the real estate market, which follows, from beginning to end, the journey of closing the right deal.

Details about KeyCash
Frequently Asked Questions about Marcelo Gorini
Marcelo Gorini currently works for KeyCash.
Marcelo Gorini's role at KeyCash is Controller Administrativo Financeiro.
Marcelo Gorini's email address is *** To view Marcelo Gorini's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Marcelo Gorini works in the Real Estate industry.
Marcelo Gorini's colleagues at KeyCash are Victor Marchiori, Yuki Shiroma, Alexandre Souza, Aline Lourenco, Davi Hora, Arthur Flores, Gabriel Sales and others.
Marcelo Gorini's phone number is
See more information about Marcelo Gorini