SOC Analyst presso Leonardo SpA â Ufficio sicurezza Cibernetica â Sezione SOC: at Eclipse Technoconsulting Global Pvt. Ltd. - Kolkata, West Bengal, India
ETS ( Our popular brand name since our previous name was ‘Eclipse Technology Solutions'),a listed company under Company Act 2013, Govt. of India, has been incorporated with its official name ‘Eclipse Technoconsulting Global Pvt. Ltd'. So in most cases in this document we will use ‘ETS' which will imply our official name only.Our company policy is to put same importance to any sort of projects, may be it is small, medium or large scale and we are instructed not to compromise with quality in any case for product or services. Our technical experience, skill set is dedicated to any project with proper management intervention in the form of Middle Management along with proper project management methodology and quality management techniques and that is the reason we committed to exceed the expectation and satisfaction for our customers throughout the Globe. Our strength is as follows,1. We received third-party validation (SEI) that our organization is committed to excellence.2. We manage projects with an established set of practices.3. We're dedicated to continuous improvement and producing great work that makes a difference.ETS Work Domains:• Website Design & Development• SEO, SEM, SMO & Digital Marketing• Content Management Systems• Mobile App & Web Application Development• 2D/3D Game Development Services• Cross-platform/Hybrid App Development• Enterprise Application and Custom ERP DevelopmentWe are the proud company to get Global quality appraisal as CMMi level 3.Evidence: are ISO 9001:2008 Global Quality Certified company.Evidence: ( Sector Code: ANZSIC CODE:7830, Certificate Number: IN/QMS/01133) in second line just make it 'a registered company' in place of ' a listed company'For more details please visit us at