RAMS CARGO BROKERS are skilled professionals who represent both importers and exporters in clearing their goods through Customs. Rams Cargo Brokers will assist you by: •Reducing Costs:Clearing goods through Customs requires knowledge of tariff classification, duty rates and other related charges. Before importing your goods, Rams Cargo Brokers can advise you on these matters as well as freight charges to assist in determining as estimate of the probable landed cost. Many unnecessary expenses arise simply because shipments are arranged without prior knowledge of these matters.•Selecting and arranging the best method of transport:Rams Cargo Brokers are in daily contact with a wide range of freight services and can advise on the best methods of shipping imports and exports, sea freight and air freight at the most competitive rates. In addition, we can provide or arrange transportation services to and from the ports or airports.•Assisting with all Customs matters: A thorough knowledge of customs regulations equips Rams Cargo Brokers to advise on matters of valuation, rules of origin, classification, anti dumping, and countervailing laws.