The Viola family lives in this land and has been producing oil for generations. They belong to this extraordinary land, and they are rooted here and have a strong tie to the land: the work in the fields and the olive groves as the only means of support, the waiting, the hope and the joy of a good crop after a hard year's work. Those are simple actions that show our respect for this fruitful land. Producing oil is our job based on tradition and innovation and it is still carried on by the present generation whose blood ties are closely intertwined with olive tree cultivation. Ferdinando, after having been a sharecropper for years, bought a little olive grove on Scandolaro hills in the mid 19th century.Today, after more than 150 years, Marco Viola carries on the family tradition, using the most modern technologies. My name is Marco Viola, I was born and live in S. Eraclio di Foligno, in Umbria and I am proud to say that I am a farmer. I love my land deeply because it is from it that I have received and still receive all that I know and possessMy childhood memories are connected with the various phases of the cultivation of olive trees: the care of the groves, the hope during the owering season, the cheerful voices and songs of the harvesters and the fragrance of the new oil at the mill. I am proud of my origins, but this is not enough to produce high quality oil. To get this result it is necessary to adopt ethical behaviour, acting in a fair way and taking care of the environment and consumers' rights. That's why I have chosen organic farming which is based on respect for the land and in keeping with my life philosophy.