The Club has about 400 full voting members and an ever-increasing number of social members. It also supports various Undergroups like the Ladies Auxiliary, Folk Dance Group (Alpenrosen), Skat (cards), a male choir and a mixed choir (Liedertafel & Liederkranz), Treffpunkt, Stammtisch Group and a Golf Group.Club membership costs $44.00 per financial year and social membership is $5.00 valid until 31 December 2018 (subject to change without notice).Facilities: bar, poker machines, members lounge, restaurant, and a beer/dance hall.The Club holds various events and functions throughout the year, e.g. the famous and original Brisbane Oktoberfest.Six days a week, the restaurant caters for all – from small to big appetites – with an a la carte and blackboard menu.