Director Of Administration & Organizational Culture, Executive Assistant at Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth - Fort Worth, Texas, US
Digital Skills Specialist/GoodEd Online High School Program Supervisor
Goodwill is more than a thrift store. The largest employer of people with disabilities in the world, Goodwill believes that work has the power to transform lives by building self-confidence, independence, creativity, trust and friendships. Everyone deserves this chance. Goodwill North Central Texas is based in Fort Worth and serves 18 counties in the region. The nonprofit’s 26 area retail locations provide revenue through the sale of donated goods to support Goodwill’s mission to CREATE lives of independence and BUILD a stronger local community. Job training and career services programs for people with disabilities, such as physical or mental disabilities, and other barriers to employment including lack of education or work experience and homelessness are guided by the organization’s vision of a North Central Texas where every person has the opportunity for maximum independence and abundant living. For more information, please visit