Levena Biopharma is a global ADC CRO/CDMO dedicated to advancing Antibody Drug Conjugate programs from discovery to the clinic and beyond. In 2013, Sorrento acquired Concortis Biosystems, establishing Levena as an independent, wholly-owned subsidiary of Sorrento Therapeutics to offer the scientific community access to our leading-edge linkers, payloads, and site-specific conjugation technologies.Our mission is to collaboratively develop conjugates that maximize the therapeutic potential of our clients' native or engineered antigen-targeting biomolecular carriers (antibodies, proteins and nucleic acids) and advance precision medicine options for patients with unmet clinical needs.We welcome discussing your projects and our capabilities at our world-class facilities in:-- San Diego (R&D Headquarters, 2013)-- Suzhou (CMC and cGMP, 2017)Levena provides small and large scale proof-of-concept (POC) conjugation services as well as complete ADC characterization using advanced analytical tools such as HPLC (HIC, SEC, RP), iCIEF and LC-MS, quality assessment (Drug-to-Antibody Ratio, purity via SDS-PAGE, aggregation, endotoxin, residual drug) and in vitro pharmacology for cytotoxicity studies.Expanding on IP from Concortis starting in 2008, we continue to maintain and grow our comprehensive, in-house portfolio of leading-edge ADC solutions, enabling Levena's world-class chemistry & conjugation teams to efficiently deliver constructs with unsurpassed quality and therapeutic potential.Our proprietary and non-proprietary ADC solutions include Linkers, Payloads, L-P chemistries and site-specific conjugation platforms [C-Lock™, K-Lock™ and C-Lock™/K-Lock™ for dual-drug delivery], enabling efficient development of mechanistically-defined ADCs with exacting, reproducible performance for safety, efficacy and clinical success.