Margaret Minihan

Academic Technology Coordinator at The Independence School - Newark, DE, US

Margaret Minihan's Contact Details
Newark,Delaware,United States
The Independence School
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The Independence School logo, The Independence School contact details

The Independence School

Newark, DE, US • 100 - 249 Employees

The Independence School serves students age three through grade eight by working toward educational excellence and personal growth. We inspire students to become independent, intellectually curious individuals who possess an exceptional spirit for learning, leadership, and citizenship. This is accomplished through demonstrated strength in teaching and learning, extensive opportunities for growth and discovery, and an intentional attention to character development. The outcomes for Independence students are notable, with students matriculating to selective and rigorous high schools and colleges, many earning generous scholarships.

private school independent coed day school preschool through 8th grade independent school preschool elementary school middle school STEM Project based learning Character Development music and arts blended learning College/University Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education
Details about The Independence School
Frequently Asked Questions about Margaret Minihan
Margaret Minihan currently works for The Independence School.
Margaret Minihan's role at The Independence School is Academic Technology Coordinator.
Margaret Minihan's email address is *** To view Margaret Minihan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Margaret Minihan works in the Primary/secondary Education industry.
Margaret Minihan's colleagues at The Independence School are Donna Sentman, Banu Fields, Web Dipietro, Angie Barber, Ethan Kacmarcik, Dollie Evans, Alexis Forshey and others.
Margaret Minihan's phone number is 302-239-0330
See more information about Margaret Minihan