Human Rights Volunteer at Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association - London, England, United Kingdom
Charity number 1112671. CADFA's objects are to promote human rights (as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations) and respect for international humanitarian law in the area of Abu Dis, a region of Palestine, by all or any of the following means: - Raising awareness of human rights and humanitarian issues relevant to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general and to the situation of Abu Dis in particular; - Researching and monitoring abuses of human rights and infringements of humanitarian law in Abu Dis; - Educating the public about human rights and humanitarian law; - Promoting public support for human rights and the observance of humanitarian law; - Working to eliminate abuses of human rights and infringements of humanitarian law in Abu Dis; - Working to obtain and promote redress for the victims of human rights abuses and infringements of humanitarian law in Abu Dis and their families; - Providing support to and relieving need among the victims of human rights abuses and infringements of humanitarian law and their families, in Abu Dis.