eBags is the world’s leading online retailer of bags and travel accessories. With over 2.5 million unbiased user reviews, we pride ourselves on our dedication and reputation for a reliable, safe and enjoyable customer-centric online shopping experience. Since our launch in 1999, we have strongly grown to house over 550 of the industry’s top brands and designers including Michael Kors, JanSport, Nike, Tumi, Vera Bradley, kate spade new york, The North Face and Samsonite. Together we are a passionate team of merchants, operators, designers, developers, strategic thinkers and game-changers. Our culture fosters fresh thinking and inspires our people to do great work and deliver on the promises we make to our customers. At eBags, we don't have to be individually perfect to succeed. We just have to be perfect together. That's why we hire extraordinarily good people. We count on each and every one of our innovative, passionate, and committed employees to keep us on the leading edge of ecommerce. Find eBags.com on Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/eBags Keep up with the entire eBags team for career opportunities, company events & more! https://www.Facebook.com/eBagsCareers