Maria Anghelache

Mathematics Teacher at Dartmoor School - , N/A, US

Maria Anghelache's Contact Details
Kirkland,Washington,United States
Dartmoor School
Maria Anghelache's Company Details
Dartmoor School logo, Dartmoor School contact details

Dartmoor School

, N/A, US • 50 - 99 Employees

Dartmoor is an accredited, year-round, open enrollment one-to-one private school with four campuses in the Puget Sound area serving grades 1-12.Educational Programs * Graduation: pursue a diploma or college preparatory track * Credit courses: take or retake courses * Non-credit courses: get support for challenging subjects (1st grade to college) * ESL Programs: opt for graduation, credit, student support, or test preparation * Summer Session: take a course or earn credit for outside experiences * District Placements: educational services for local school districtsEnrollment Options * Full-time: offers maximum flexibility and personalization * Dual Enrollment: take a course or courses at Dartmoor while attending another school * Supplemental: student support for success in another private or public schoolMissionDartmoor School provides an optimal personalized education for its students via active one-to-one instruction individualized to their instructional levels, learning styles, and the pace of their academic and intellectual progress. Instruction is offered in a welcoming, safe, respectful, and nurturing environment.

Education/Training Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education
Details about Dartmoor School
Frequently Asked Questions about Maria Anghelache
Maria Anghelache currently works for Dartmoor School.
Maria Anghelache's role at Dartmoor School is Mathematics Teacher.
Maria Anghelache's email address is *** To view Maria Anghelache's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Maria Anghelache works in the Primary/secondary Education industry.
Maria Anghelache's colleagues at Dartmoor School are Jeff LaPointe, Jeffrey Woolley, Emma Winward, John Crofford, Anindita Chowdhury, Ashley Hauser, Joshua Koczman and others.
Maria Anghelache's phone number is 425-649-8976
See more information about Maria Anghelache