Intuitive Artist; Spiritual Counselor; Holistic Healer at Maria Celeste Garcia Intuitive Healing Creations - Stafford, Texas, United States
THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL, MYSTICAL, QUANTUM INTUITIVE HEALING CREATIONS FOR THE SOUL : An Integral Collection of Divine Expressions for The Seraphim Project 2012-2027.These Multidimensional Mystical Healing Creations for the Soul function as Portals to the Source of Grace and Divine Intervention during the Ascension Process of the Planet and it's inhabitants into 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency Harmonics also known as the New Consciousness Paradigm of 'Heaven on Earth', characterized by a life of Authenticity, Individual Sovereignty, Responsible and Conscious Co-Creation of Reality in the ever present NOW, Harmony in Diversity, Cosmic Consciousness, and Oneness with All Life..To know more about Maria Celeste Garcia Intuitive Healing Creations please visit