Maria Frausto

Long Term Substitute Teacher at Colorado Springs School District 11 - Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Maria Frausto's Contact Details
(719) 520-2000
Colorado Springs School District 11
Maria Frausto's Company Details

Colorado Springs School District 11

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US • 2091 Employees

We dare to empower the whole student to profoundly impact our world Learning: Our curricula and instruction are rigorous, relevant, and responsive, designed to cultivate the full potential in every student. We reward innovation and foster passion. Our shared goal is this: growth without exception. Diversity: Located in the heart of Colorado Springs, D11 is the City’s longest-standing and most diverse school district, and, in addition to academic excellence, we prepare our students to understand and lead in a diverse society. Service: We are here to serve! We inspire one another to take risks, challenge one another to achieve more, and help one another move forward when we fail. We know that we succeed together. Empowering: Our students are thriving academically and gaining the personal, social, and cultural experiences they need to make a profound impact on society. We’re building a community that can rise to any challenge and reach new heights: Strong schools equals strong communities.

K 12 Education Student Empowerment Academic Teaching Safe Learning Environment College Community Involvement Innovative Teaching Character Development
Details about Colorado Springs School District 11
Frequently Asked Questions about Maria Frausto
Maria Frausto currently works for Colorado Springs School District 11.
Maria Frausto's role at Colorado Springs School District 11 is Long Term Substitute Teacher.
Maria Frausto's email address is *** To view Maria Frausto's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Maria Frausto works in the Schools industry.
Maria Frausto's colleagues at Colorado Springs School District 11 are BECKY HAFKEE-MARSH, Kipps R, Moncada Sandra, Nichole Szajowski, Debbie Rush, Monika Hannan, Cassandra Guimond and others.
Maria Frausto's phone number is (719) 520-2000
See more information about Maria Frausto