DUPLAST S.p.A. is a corporate company, headed by the DURACCIO family. Duraccio's have been active in manufacturing industry for more than thirty years. Manufacturing production started with the Brothers Duraccio Glasssworks. Then, in 1962, the VE.BA.D. joint-stock company was created, focusing on glass containers production. In 1965 the same company widened its production scope with plastic containers moulding. In 1992 the Duplast S.p.A. was established with a starting capital of £. 21.000.000, then brought to £. 195.000.000 and today succesfully increased at Euro 624.000,00. The company realised a modern and well equipped plant in its headquarter in Gioia del Colle, to supply a technologically advanced packaging production system for foodstuff industry.