Menos Dos Grados Consultores SC is a consortium of specialists focused on developing responses to the global environmental crisis as an ally of those who are committed to the goal of the international community in the area of climate change, that depends on integral strategies: to prevent that temperature of the planet increase 2 degrees centigrade (2°C) for the end of the century.We cover a wide spectrum of governments, companies and civil society organizations needs, from local to international, generating strategic thinking and innovation for decision makers, facilitating and accompanying processes for capacity building and building common understanding.Our services include consulting, technical advice, training, design and execution of projects in the areas of environment and development, including sustainable rural development and sustainable forest development, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, biodiversity conservation, institutional development and governance, among others; boosting synergy of public, private national and international funding; as well as in the development and implementation of policy instruments at national, subnational and local levels.